Middle School
Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
On Sunday morning during our 10:00 Service
teens 6th-8th grade gather together in the front few rows to worship with
our praise team and then they head upstairs to the Youth Room for an age appropriate lesson and time of prayer.

On Sunday morning during our 10:00AM Service, teens 9th-12th grade gather together in the front few rows to worship with our praise team. They then head downstairs to the High School room for a life applicable Bible lesson, some much needed conversation, and a time of prayer .

Fresh Start Thursday Morning 6:45 AM Tim Hortons South (September-May) 6th-12th grade
Coffee, donuts, friendships, and devotions are the perfect way to start off the
Our teens meet every Thursday morning during the school year
with Paul Law and Cody Sterling to start their day in His word
and offering prayer for each other.

Youth Small Groups Thursday Nights 6:30-8:00 PM 6th-12th grade (September-May)
Every teen needs a place to belong.
They need a team in their corner.
Every Thursday night we offer small groups
for middle school & high school boys and girls. In addition to building relationships with other teens, they build strong
connections to adult leaders who are in it for the long haul. We give our kids a place to go when they need help.

Youth Group Sunday Nights 6:30-8:00 PM 6th-12th grade
Middle School and High School teens meet at Rolling Plains on Sunday
evenings for dinner and a time of Bible study, discussion, and fun.
This is also a great time for us to take on service projects, help other ministries at the church, and spend some time together in a safe, fun, and slightly competitive atmosphere.
This is also a great time for us to take on service projects, help other ministries at the church, and spend some time together in a safe, fun, and slightly competitive atmosphere.